Davidoff of Geneva, Since 1911, is serving the Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NYC area with the finest premium cigars, pipe tobacco, and luxury cigar accessories. Just next door to the famous Peter Luger Steakhouse. Enjoy our beautiful walk-in humidor and spacious smoking lounge.
We have the finest selection of premium cigars featuring famous brands like Davidoff, Winston Churchill, Avo, Camacho, Arturo Fuente, La Flor Dominicana, Drew Estate, Liga Privada, Ashton, My Father Cigars, Padrón, Tatuaje, Oliva, Illusione, Warped, Roma Craft, and many more boutique blends.
Our luxurious lounge is equipped with free wifi, flat screen HDTVs, plush leather seating, and humidified lockers that are available to rent on a yearly basis.